Sometimes this is how I feel. I don't really know how else to put it. I don't know if I will ever go through with it, but I may always feel this way. Sometimes I wish there was someway to make it happen naturally, without surgery. But there really isn't. I don't know how anyone will react to this, but oh well.
MD Wyvern-Soon to be Author
In the tale, in the telling, we are all one blood. Take the tale in your teeth, then, and bite till the blood runs, hoping it's not poison; and we will all come to the end together, and even to the beginning: living, as we do, in the middle. - Ursula K. Le Guin
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Free Souls Cover Reveal " imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
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Free Souls by Susan Kaye Quinn
(Book Three of the Mindjack Trilogy) Now Available!
When your mind is a weapon, freedom comes at a price.
Four months have passed since Kira left home to join Julian’s Jacker Freedom Alliance, but the hole in her heart still whistles empty where her boyfriend Raf used to be. She fills it with weapons training, JFA patrols, and an obsessive hunt for FBI agent Kestrel, ignoring Julian’s worries about her safety and repeated attempts to recruit her for his revolutionary chat-casts. When anti-jacker politician Vellus surrounds Jackertown with the National Guard, Kira discovers there’s more to Julian’s concerns than she knew, but she’s forced to take on a mission that neither want and that might be her last: assassinating Senator Vellus before he can snuff out Julian’s revolution and the jackers she’s come to love. " imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
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All of the Mindjack stories are available on ">Amazon
(Note Free Souls is not yet available on Kobo or iTunes)
Early Praise for Free Souls
“Quinn paints a picture of a not-too-distant America where politicians inflame the hatred of one section of the populace for another—all for their own gain—and you worry that her world is not so far off from our own.”
— Dianne Salerni, author of We Hear the Dead, The Caged Graves, and the forthcoming The Eighth Day
"Free Souls starts with a bang and doesn't let up. Like a mash-up of all your favorite science-fiction adventures from Star Wars to The Legend of Korra, it blends nonstop action, nail-biting escapes, and great romance. I absolutely loved it! A great series conclusion—a must-read."
— Leigh Talbert Moore, author of Rouge and The Truth About Faking
“Susan did it again. Free Souls was WOW! I expected Kira to step up to her role as heroine but not like this. Surprises kept coming until the very end which tied up more loose ends than I knew existed. Warning: Don't start reading until you have time to finish. I didn't want to put Free Souls down for a second. It's that kind of book.”
— Sher A. Hart, Goodreads Review
Susan's over at ">Amy Saunder's blog today
(12.14.12), answering questions about how she came up with the mages' abilities, what kind of mage she would be, and all about her future works.
Digital Box Set
Since Free Souls is out, there is now a ">Digital Box Set of the Mindjack Trilogy
for those of you who want the whole series! " imageanchor="1" style="margin-left: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
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Available on ">Amazon
Mindjack Origins Collection
Want more Julian? Wondering how Sasha's ability really works? Looking for EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls? This collection of novellas, scenes, and other goodies is for those craving a bit more of the characters and drama of the Mindjack series. " imageanchor="1" style="clear: left; float: left; margin-bottom: 1em; margin-right: 1em;">
" width="210" />
Mindjack Novellas
Mind Games (Raf's story)
The Handler (Julian's story)
The Scribe (Sasha's story)
TWO EXCLUSIVE DELETED SCENES from Free Souls (published nowhere else!)
PLUS Mindjack flash fiction, an (imaginary) conversation between Raf and Julian, and other goodies for readers who want just a little bit more of Kira, Julian, Raf, and the Mindjack crew.
Available on ">Amazon
one of FIVE ecopies of the Mindjack Origins Collection</div> " id="rc-d7c19243" rel="nofollow">a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thursday, May 17, 2012

Mindjack BONUS CONTENT: Mindjack Memes
by Susan Kaye Quinn
[Ed. Note: In celebration of the release of my novel Closed Hearts, I've created bonus content that relates to the Mindjack Trilogy. This bonus content arises from the story time between Open Minds (Bk#1) and Closed Hearts (Bk#2) - it's not terribly spoiler-ish, but you'll enjoy it more if you've read Open Minds already.]
If you're like me, you're not really sure what the word "meme" means. Although I'm particularly fond of this definition:
meme | 3265 up, 826 down | |
2 : a parasitic code, a virus of the mind especially contagious to children and the impressionable
A virus of the mind! Ya'll aren't children or impressionable, but I still expect these visual memes to mindjack their way into your heads (and feel free to Pinterest or Facebook them once they do):
For Hunger Games Fans...
For Harry Potter Fans...
And one for Closed Hearts...
{picture me making these with a big old cheesy grin on my face}
So, obviously I've been playing around when I should have been writing. But there have to be some perks to this job, right?
When you control minds,
only your heart can be used against you.
Bestselling YA novel Open Minds, Book One of the Mindjack Trilogy, is available on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iTunes. The sequel Closed Hearts has just been released. Susan Kaye Quinn's business card says "Author and Rocket Scientist," but she mostly plays on Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest.
CLICK HERE to join the Closed Hearts Virtual Launch Party
(with more bonus Mindjack Trilogy content and guest posts)
Monday, April 16, 2012
So there is this book I really want to read, called Open Minds. It's SF, and I want to read it so bad. And the Author, Susan Kaye Quinn is giving out 5 copies. There's a catch though, after you read it, you have to give it to 5 other people, basically, you give your copy to someone else, who then reads it and gives it to someone else also, the cycle goes like that. The last person it is given to gets to either keep it, or continue the cycle. This is a great strategy for getting publicity, and it seems to be working for Susan Kaye Quinn.
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